Sunday, February 10, 2008


Yesterday I performed Unconditional in my apartment in Murfreesboro, TN. This instruction is inspired by all the pets I've known and loved. Growing up, we always had cats, there was Mittens, Fluffy, Cinnamon, Topaz, and Crosby. We also had a guinea pig named Blanche and a raccoon named Applesauce. When I moved to my first apartment in Lancaster, PA, I took two strays from my parents house. Paisley and Isadora became my constant companions and they moved with me over ten times in Lancaster and later in Baltimore. They always slept curled together and were tolerant when we inherited Maxwell from an irresponsible roommate. I lost all three to old age and still miss them dearly!

Currently, I share my home with Gromit, Blue and Nico. Gromit is my first dog. He was put into my arms over eleven years ago. He came into my life during a lonely and difficult period and he taught me about love with his open and eager heart. He is the best dog in the world!! Blue (also known as Velvet) joined our pack in 2006. Blue was not a stray and as a result he is incredibly well adjusted and sweet. He wakes me every morning with kisses and mild suckling. He reminds me of Carolee Schneemann's kissing cat. Nico is the newest addition. Gromit and I found her on a freezing December morning in the gutter outside the Baltimore house. She's only been with us for a few months and she is adjusting well to the luxuries of indoor living.

I can't imagine a life without animal companions and I am forever grateful for their unconditional love!

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